Market Research Main Components
To do a right market research or analysis, every business owner should have a clear insight about some factors like:
- Competition even direct or in direct
- Targeted customers real needs and their personas
- Other factors that impact his business (PESTEL, SOWT, Porter Analysis)
Our Experts after finishing previous analysis will empower business owners to define well their edge, where to compete, what to offer, how to maximize earnings
Market Research / Competition Analysis
Competition Analysis can be classified into:
- Direct Competitor who provides similar solution to the same customer need
- In direct competitor who provide different solution, but your customer can use to satisfy his need
Understanding these critical differences will enable business owners to target the right need with the right solutions
Market Research / Customer Analysis
Knowing the real needs of Customer is a very complicated mission, it's not about getting their positive reviews about suggested solution
It mainly cares about considering their real needs, concerns about existing alternatives, their wants
Gathering all these important insights together will empower business owners to provide the right solution collecting customers insights have many techniques like surveys, IDI, Analytics tools, Heat maps ...etc.